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Perkins V Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment

Perkins V CLNA

Requirements and Eligibility

Perkins V requires that each institution awarded Perkins Basic Grant funds perform a comprehensive local needs assessment (CLNA) and submit it for approval to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Each CLNA must describe how an institution’s local Perkins program and funding will support career and technical education programs and assist special populations students as required by the act and in response to gaps identified in the CLNA and the institution’s plan for closing the gaps.

Specifically, Section 134(c) of the law states:

“To be eligible to receive financial assistance under this part, an eligible recipient shall—(A) conduct a CLNA related to career and technical education and include the results of the CLNA in the local application submitted under subsection (a); and (B) not less than once every 2 years, update such CLNA.”

Section 135 (a) (Local Use of Funds) of the law states:

“Each eligible recipient that receives funds under this part shall use such funds to develop, coordinate, implement, or improve career and technical education programs to meet the needs identified in the comprehensive local needs assessment described in section 134(c).”

CLNA Timeline (FY 2025-2027)

Dec. 1, 2024

Updated CLNA revisions to the FY 2025-2027 CLNA

Jan. – April 2024

Complete CLNA (DUE April 30, 2024)

Nov. 2023 – Jan. 2024

Solicit and analyze feedback

Nov. – Dec. 2023

Gather and develop materials for engagement activities

Nov. 2023

Identify leadership team and stakeholders

Nov. 2023

Data review

2020-2030 Labor Market Information (LMI) Regional Data

(Click the excel sheet below for your region) – Source: TEA (Updated 12/5/2023)

Regional LMI: the top occupations that met the regional criteria for in-demand and high wage were selected and sorted by growth. Growth by percentage and median annual salary are highlighted in green. The occupations are aligned to the state’s 16 career clusters. The postsecondary institution should compare the top career clusters identified to the programs of study and career clusters offered in its CTE program.


Carl D. Perkins Information

Inquiries regarding the Carl D. Perkins and Technical Education Act should be directed to Dr. Audra Patridge, Assistant Director, Workforce Education.

Carl D. Perkins Student Data Information

Each institution will find its own CLNA datafile in the Institution’s Output folder on Moveit. The retrieval of this datafile will require coordination with your institution’s state reporting officials. The state reporting official at your institution has access to the secure transfer site. If you need assistance identifying your institution’s reporting official, please contact Xiqian Liu, Director, Data Management and Research.