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Perkins Basic Grant Program


Perkins V aims to enhance the academic knowledge, technical skills, and employability of students in postsecondary education who enroll in career and technical education (CTE) programs and programs of study. It challenges institutions to enhance their programs, preparing individuals for the demands of a technologically advanced society.

Perkins funding is designed to support the improvement of CTE programs, enhance program quality, and strengthen institutions’ efforts in preparing CTE participants for successful careers.

Additional Funding: Funds are accessible via the Perkins State Leadership Grant to bolster initiatives aimed at enhancing Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Texas. This support is provided through the Field Based Innovation Program (FIP) and Perkins Excellence in Access Opportunity Program (PEAOP) grant programs.

Program Information and Forms


Inquiries regarding the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act should be directed to your Grant Advisor.

Inquiries regarding Basic fiscal information (budget/equipment) should be directed to Tanisha Shorter-Lott, Fiscal Lead.