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Institutional Authorization
to Operate in Texas


Private postsecondary institutions operating in Texas and offering degree programs must apply for and obtain either a Certificate of Authorization (for institutions accredited by a THECB-recognized institutional accreditor) or a Certificate of Authority (for institutions working toward THECB-recognized institutional accreditation). Postsecondary institutions that are limiting their presence in Texas to agents must register each agent. This page provides information and forms required to be in compliance with these requirements.

Private Postsecondary Institutions Operating in Texas

Applying for Institutional Authorization

All degree-granting private postsecondary institutions that seek to operate in Texas or out-of-state public or private degree-granting institutions whose activities, including clinicals or internships, trigger physical presence must apply for institutional authority before offering degrees or courses leading to degrees in Texas.

Surety Instrument Requirement

Institutions operating under either a Certificate of Authority or a Certificate of Authorization are required to file a current Surety Instrument with the Coordinating Board. Guidelines, templates, and a calculation worksheet are found under Resources for Institutions.

Certificates and Registration

Application for authorization of accredited degree-granting private postsecondary institutions or out-of-state public postsecondary institutions to offer degrees and courses leading to degrees at a Texas location:

Instructions for using the online portal can be found here: 

Submit Certificate of Authorization application and supporting documentation via the Certificate of Authorization Institution Portal (CAIP).

Application for institutions seeking accreditation from a Board-recognized institutional accreditor:

Application for a certificate of registration of an agent of a postsecondary educational institution that does not have a Certificate of Authorization or a Certificate of Authority:


Inquiries regarding institutional authorization should be sent to Cathie Maeyaert, Director, Private Postsecondary Institutions.

Inquiries regarding CAIP portal should be sent to Paul Shuler, Program Manager, Academic and Health Affairs.