Technology Innovation and Commercialization
Higher education institutions play an essential role in Texas’ global economic competitiveness. Building a Talent Strong Texas, the state’s strategic plan for higher education, recognizes that the state’s future competitiveness requires a much stronger research and development (R&D) infrastructure and sets ambitious targets for the state:
- Increase of $1 billion in annual private and federal research and development expenditures by 2030
- 7,500 research doctorates awarded annually by Texas institutions of higher education
As engines of innovation, Texas colleges, universities, and health-related institutions develop important research, discoveries, and technologies that change the lives of people across the world. More intentional and focused efforts to translate academic research into commercially viable products, a process called technology transfer, is important to maximizing the benefits of research discoveries from higher education institutions and realizing the state’s potential to be a global leader in innovation.

From Insights to Impact: Fostering Innovation Through Texas Higher Education
Texas’ higher education institutions are vital for global competitiveness, yet they often face challenges in translating research into commercial products. A more strategic and coordinated approach is needed to address these challenges.
From Insights to Impact: Fostering Innovation Through Texas Higher Education provides a roadmap for achieving three key goals, closing gaps in regional ecosystems across the state, and maximizing the return on investment in the state’s academic research and technology development. The three goals include:
- Technology Transfer and Commercialization: Ease the translation of academic research at higher education institutions into commercial products to accelerate the process between ideas and market entry.
- Innovation Ecosystem Assets: Strengthen connections and collaboration between Texas higher education institutions and existing regional innovation ecosystems.
- Foundational Supports: Build a robust and dynamic talent pipeline to support innovation, particularly in the state’s core industries.
The Technical Appendix includes additional details, including case studies, implementation steps, and other recommendations for how leaders across the state can collectively strengthen innovation and commercialization within Texas higher education.
Inquiries regarding From Insights to Impact: Fostering Innovation Through Texas Higher Education should be sent to Jaclyn Le, Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives & Engagement.